Virtually Pain Free IV Therapy

virtually pain free iv therapy

Introducing the J-Tip: Enabling Virtually Pain-Free IV Therapy

At purelyIV, we understand that the fear of needles can be a significant barrier for many individuals seeking IV therapy. To ensure the most comfortable and stress-free experience for our clients, we are excited to introduce the J-Tip Needle-Free Injection System. This innovative device surpasses the effectiveness of standard topical lidocaine, allowing us to provide virtually pain-free IV insertions and making your IV therapy sessions more pleasant and less intimidating.

What is the J-Tip?

The J-Tip is a revolutionary needle-free jet injector that delivers local anesthesia quickly and effectively, ensuring a virtually pain-free experience during routine needle procedures. It uses compressed CO2 gas to propel a fine stream of lidocaine under the skin, numbing the injection site within seconds. Watch the short video to see how the J-Tip works. Read real success stories on how the J-Tip has helped.

Clinically Proven Technology

The J-Tip is U.S. FDA cleared and has been extensively used in medical facilities for over a decade. Clinical studies have shown its effectiveness in providing greater anesthesia compared to traditional methods, ensuring a more comfortable experience for patients.


At purelyIV, we are committed to providing the best possible care for our clients. The J-Tip is available as an add-on to our mobile IV therapy services for an additional $30, ensuring you receive the most comfortable and effective treatment available.

Schedule Your Appointment

Experience the comfort and ease of virtually pain-free IV therapy with purelyIV. Schedule your appointment today and discover the difference the J-Tip can make. The J-Tip add-on is available with any of our IV therapies: