Mobile IV Therapy Biotin

Biotin (B7)

Strengthen Hair, Skin, and Nails with Biotin


Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7, is a water-soluble vitamin essential for overall health. It plays a vital role in cell growth, carbohydrate metabolism, and fatty acid synthesis. Biotin supports a wide range of metabolic processes, primarily related to the utilization of fats, carbohydrates, and amino acids. It also influences cell growth and may help maintain blood sugar levels. Commonly supplemented for conditions like hair loss, brittle nails, and nerve damage, biotin is also thought to reduce inflammation, improve cognitive function, and balance cholesterol levels. Convenient biotin supplementation through our mobile IV therapy in Metro Detroit helps address these issues and promote overall vitality.

  • Eggs

  • Milk

  • Bananas

  • Nuts (almonds, walnuts)

  • Seeds (sunflower, chia)

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Spinach

  • Broccoli

  • Mushrooms

Foods Rich in Biotin:

Potential Benefits of Biotin:

  • Hair Health: May help reduce hair loss and promote thicker, healthier hair.

  • Nail Strength: Can strengthen brittle nails, reducing breakage and improving nail health.

  • Skin Health: Supports healthy skin, potentially reducing rashes and improving overall complexion.

  • Metabolic Support: Aids in carbohydrate metabolism and fatty acid synthesis, providing energy.

  • Blood Sugar Regulation: May help maintain stable blood sugar levels.

  • Nerve Function: Supports nerve health and may reduce nerve pain.

  • Anti-Inflammatory: Thought to reduce inflammation in the body.

  • Cognitive Function: May improve brain function and mental clarity.

  • Cholesterol Balance: Can increase HDL (good) cholesterol and decrease LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Benefits of Intravenous Administration of Biotin Oral Administration:

Intravenous (IV) administration of Biotin offers several advantages over oral supplements:

  • Higher Absorption Rate: IV administration bypasses the digestive system, allowing biotin to be directly absorbed into the bloodstream, ensuring nearly 100% absorption.

  • Faster Results: Provides a quick boost to hair, skin, and nail health, with noticeable improvements faster than oral supplements.

  • Enhanced Metabolic Support: Delivers immediate support for energy production and metabolic processes.

  • Better for Digestive Issues: Ideal for individuals with gastrointestinal issues that impair oral absorption of biotin.

  • Convenience and Consistency: Mobile IV therapy offers a reliable way to maintain optimal biotin levels without the daily hassle of taking supplements.

Potential Side Effects of Biotin:

  • Mild stomach upset

  • Nausea

  • Skin rash (rare)

  • Interference with lab test results (biotin can interfere with certain lab tests, causing false results)

  • In rare cases, serious allergic reactions may occur. Rest assured that all of our registered nurses are equipped and trained to deal with any level of allergic reaction.

purelyIV IV Therapies Containing Biotin:

Book Your Biotin In-Home IV Therapy Today  and experience the beauty benefits in Birmingham, Washington Township, Novi, Farmington Hills, or any Detroit area location.