Mobile IV Therapy Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Unlock Cellular Energy with Alpha Lipoic Acid


Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a naturally occurring fatty acid that serves as a "universal antioxidant." It supports vital cellular functions such as energy production and cell protection from damage. While the body can produce ALA, it is also found in dietary sources like red meat, organ meats, broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, brussels sprouts, and yeast. ALA is readily absorbed and distributed throughout major organs, enhancing overall health. Convenient ALA supplementation through our Metro Detroit area mobile IV therapy helps support these functions and promote overall wellness.

  • Red meat

  • Organ meats (liver, heart, kidney)

  • Broccoli

  • Tomatoes

  • Spinach

  • Brussels sprouts

  • Yeast

Foods Rich in ALA:

Potential Benefits of ALA:

  • Antioxidant Protection: Acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from oxidative stress.

  • Energy Production: Supports mitochondrial function, essential for converting glucose to energy.

  • Blood Sugar Regulation: Mimics insulin, improving glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.

  • Enhanced Antioxidant Activity: Recycles and enhances other antioxidants like vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10, and glutathione.

  • Cellular Health: Promotes cellular energy production and protects against cellular damage.

  • Anti-Inflammatory: May reduce inflammation and promote overall health.

  • Neuroprotective: Supports brain health and may help protect against neurodegenerative diseases.

  • Weight Management: Improves the conversion of carbohydrates to energy, reducing fat storage.

Benefits of Intravenous Administration of ALA Over Oral Administration:

Intravenous (IV) administration of ALA offers several advantages over oral supplements:

  • Higher Absorption Rate: IV administration bypasses the digestive system, allowing ALA to be directly absorbed into the bloodstream, ensuring nearly 100% absorption.

  • Rapid Antioxidant Support: Provides immediate antioxidant protection, reducing oxidative stress and cell damage.

  • Enhanced Energy Production: Delivers quick support for cellular energy production, improving overall vitality.

  • Better for Digestive Issues: Ideal for individuals with gastrointestinal issues that impair oral absorption of ALA.

  • Convenience and Consistency: Mobile IV therapy offers a reliable way to maintain optimal ALA levels without the daily hassle of taking supplements.

Potential Side Effects of B Complex:

  • Mild gastrointestinal discomfort

  • Nausea

  • Skin rash (rare)

  • Headache

  • In rare cases, serious allergic reactions may occur. Rest assured that all of our registered nurses are equipped and trained to deal with any level of allergic reaction.

purelyIV IV Therapies Containing B Complex

Book Your Appointment Today and experience the benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid IV therapy in Oakland Township, Royal Oak, Macomb, Shelby, Sterling Heights, or just about anywhere in Metro Detroit.